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This Site is for Jeoffrey Benward
Who is a Wonderful Sultry Christian
Singer.... An unofical Fan Site
Made By Fan Kathy
And a Legend in our
U Can tune to see
Jeoffrey regularly on
Also I want to thank
everyone who visits
this site. Jeoffrey thanks
you and he Gives his
Blessings to all...
The father-son duo of Aaron and Jeoffrey Benward have crossed the generation gap with an energetic
gospel pop on several albums for Star Song/Chordant. The father, Jeoffrey, had been quite involved in Christian music since
the '70s, and on having a talk with his son Aaron about what he wanted to do for a living, was surprised to hear that he wanted
to do the same. They decided to begin recording together, and though several labels had problems with the eccentric pairing,
Aaron & Jeoffrey released their self-titled debut album in 1995. After the Rain followed one year later, after which the
pair acknowledged the alternative revolution in secular music by toning down the flawless productions and adding some energy
into their songs.
To Aaron Benward, the image of an upward trek sums up perfectly the message of Aaron
Jeoffrey's third Star Song Records release, which is fittingly titled The Climb. "As you move up the mountain, you look around
the next corner, and you see a place you know you'd like to be," Aaron says. "Or you look around another corner and realize
you've been that way before and you don't want to go there again. It's a constant process of growth, of reaching for God."
Their own journey has led the father-son duo to grow into well-defined roles as they release The Climb and prepare
to perform its songs on tour. Musically, Aaron takes more of a lead-vocal role. Meanwhile, his dad, Jeoffrey, provides a larger
share of the matchless harmonies for which Aaron Jeoffrey has become known on its first two projects, which produced six No.
1 hits, and a "Song of the Year" Dove Award nomination for "He Is."
Stylistically, Aaron Jeoffrey allowed the music
on The Climb to develop into a live, more spontaneous sound. "When you put four great musicians in a room together and just
let them play, the results are amazing," Jeoffrey says. "We did the song 'Stranger' in one pass."
Giving the album
a live feel also allowed Aaron Jeoffrey to anticipate how the music and lyrics will influence audiences when the group goes
on tour-a concern that is always foremost in Jeoffrey's mind.
"One of my concerns is, how is each song going to communicate
in a live setting?" Jeoffrey says. "Before Aaron Jeoffrey, I had a solo career, and I've been in ministry for a while. So
I recognize points during a concert when I need to step up and communicate a message that is relevant to the evening and to
all age groups: Aaron is really in touch with the youth culture, and he can speak to their day-to-day issues."
and Jeoffrey also complement each other in the creative process of selecting songs and settling on a sound and message they
want to achieve. "We'll sit down together and talk about the direction we want a song to go," says Jeoffrey. "There are times
we differ, but we always work it out."
What's to come for Aaron Jeoffrey? They intend to keep on sharing and-living
out in their own lives-a message of grace and mercy. It's a message that is evident in each song on The Climb, but especially
on one of Aaron's favorites, "A Moment of Mercy." "We need to know that God's grace and mercy are real," Aaron says. "Lots
of Christians beat themselves up. I know I've done that. The message of that song, and the message I want to share, is that
God loves us a lot more than we can comprehend."
In Genesis, He is the Breath of Life; In Exodus, the Passsover Lamb In Leviticus, He is our High Priest In
Numbers He is the fire by night In Deuteronomy, He is Moses' words In Joshua, He is salvation's choice In Judges,
the Law of the earth In Ruth, the Kinsman Redeemer First and Second Samuel, our trusted prophet In Kings and Chronicles,
He is sovereign In Ezra, the true and faithful scribe In Nehemiah, He is the Rebuilder of broken walls and lives In
Esther, He is Modecai's courage In Job the timeless Redeemer In Psalms He is our morning song In Proverbs Wisdom's
Cry Ecclesiastes, He's the time and seasons In the Song of Solomon, He is the lover's dream He is! He is! He is! In
Isaiah, He is the Prince of Peace In Jeremiah, the weeping prophet In Lamentations, the cry for Israel. In Ezekiel,
He's the call from sin In Daniel, the stranger in the fire In Hosea, He is forever faithful. In Joel, He 's the Spirit's
power In Amos, the arms that carry us In Obadiah, He's the Lord our Saviour! In Jonah, He's the great visionary In
Micah, the promise of peace In Nahum He is our strength and our zeal. In Habakkuk, in Zephaniah, He's pleading for revival In
Haggai, He restores the lost heritage. In Zechariah, our fountain In Malachi, He is the Son of Righteousness arising
with healing in His wings! He is! He is! He is! In Matthew, Mark, Luke and John, He is God and Messiah In the Book
of Acts, He is the fire from Heaven In Romans He is the Grace of God In Corinthians the power of love In Galatians,
He's the freedom from the curse of sin In Ephesians, our glorious treasure In Philippians, the Servant And in Colossians,
He is the God in the Trinity In Thessalonians, our Coming King In Timothy, Titus and Philemon, He's our mediator and
our faithful pasture In Hebrews, the everlasting covenant In James the One who heals the sick In first and second
Peter He's our Shepherd In John 1 and in 2, He is the lover coming for His bride In Revelations, He's the King of kings
and the Lord of lords! He is! He is! He is! The Prince of Peace; The Son of Man, The Lamb of God The Great I am He
is the Alpha and Omega Our God and Saviour He is Jesus Christ, the Lord And when time is no more...He is! He is!
He is!
For as The earth's moves
around the universe so
does my love for you...
Poetry By Kathy Thacker